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Skyrocket Your Business Growth Using LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is a B2B Gold Mine!

It’s where most Fortune 1,000, other big companies’ decision-makers & executives as well as business professionals like to spend their spare time, scrolling through, actively looking for valuable content to read.


If you still haven’t tapped into LinkedIn as a social marketing platform yet.

Now is the time to do so.

Not to forget it’s potential organic reach.


Follow These 4 Steps to Grow Your Business Organically

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn profile:


To show up when someone searches for keywords that you want to rank for.

A highly optimized LinkedIn profile can even appear on Google Search for specified keywords.


Ensure your profile is:


Have the relevant keyword in your headline, about section, current designation & past designations.



a. Have a clean, crisp profile picture and a compelling cover image

b. Optimize your headline to describe what you do.

c. Ensure your current & past designations are filled out completely



a. Clearly state in your headline, what you do & for whom

b. Have a clear CTA (call-to-action)


2. Adding The Right Connections:

 Send New Connection Requests:

a. Use the search bar to find people who are your target audience or in the same niche as you are

b. Use the connection filters accordingly to narrow down them by location, industry, designation, educational background, etc.

c. Start with sending 20-30 connection requests a day but not more than 100 per day.

d. Always send a personalized message with the connection invite.


Target Audience Composition:

30-50% target audience

40-60% niche relevant people who engage with your content


Leverage Groups:

Join groups relevant to your industry

Actively engage in them & send connection requests to active people in the groups.


3. Create and Share Valuable Content:

a. Post atleast once a day

b. Image + long form captions work really well

c. Avoid bulky paragraphs, break it up into lines/sentences

d. Use Polls for increased engagement

e. Use 4-5 hashtags in your posts

Bonus Tips:

a. Convert your Instagram carousel posts intoPDFs & post them on LinkedIn

b. When sharing link posts, add the link in the comment, as LinkedIn reduces post reach with links in the caption.


4. Engage On Other People’s Posts:

The Ripple Effect:

Like & comment on as many relevant peoples’ posts as you can

When connections and followers like your post or engage with it, it goes to their feeds

Their connections & followers see the content

They visit your profile

Remember Approachability?

They either follow you, or send you a connection request

More business prospects


Will you use LinkedIn to skyrocket your business growth?

Vishal Dharamdas

I am a Digital Marketing Consultant with 10+ years of experience and my mission is to help small and medium-sized business owners create a magnetic social presence, build an engaged community and generate qualified leads for their business, with my proven content marketing strategies.

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